Sunday, June 22

Pie! Pie! Me oh MY! :D

So!! After all the picking, the pitting and the cooking... we have.... Tah DAH... Cherry Pie! Or rather, Cherry Crisp....or, rather, Cherry~not~so~ crisp~ but~ still~ delicious~ and~ I'm~ so~ glad~ I~ added~ the~ Nutmeg.!!!

Sadly I neglected to take a picture of it before we'd all dug in... who knew? It smelled so good and we were sooo waiting to try it that we just dug in and ate up before I knew what I was doing!!

Here's some up close !! ( sorry about that!!)

Happily, however, Jack had been rather delinquent in eating his dinner so his pie eating was delayed! This gave me time to get over my cherry stupor and whip out the camera post~haste! ;D

Boy Meets Pie, Boy Eats Pie! ;D

Try not to drool on your keyboard now! ;D

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Recipe, please?!?!!?!?