We are working our way up to a goal of 100 miles in one day and 1000 miles by next June in time for the BRAN. It's so empowering to have a goal to work towards. I've started setting smaller goals for myself... some are worthy ( keep all the laundry out of the baskets and off my floor!) and others maybe not so much ( get a gold star in Bejeweled Blitz....!!) but by setting myself goals of various sizes I get to have something to aim at....and by setting smaller ones I get to achieve something quickly and easily as I am working on my bigger goals. It's very satisfying!! I read recently about a young girl who has chosen to set herself a goal of climbing 14 peaks of 14,000 feet by her 14th birthday!! What fun!!! I have asked Jessie to think of some goals she would like to achieve and am keen to hear her responses. Goal setting gives us direction, a focus, a point on the horizon to steer at without which we are just treading water, waiting for the tide to carry us wherever it may.
I can not end this quick post without mentioning my hubby and kids and their contribution to my efforts! Rex has been so supportive.... he readily picks up supplies for me that are indispensable for my rides... he's bought me books to read on cycling for women, he buys me all the Gatorade I can handle.... he has fixed my tires, helped me figure out trail maps, filed my brakes, but most importantly he has encouraged me to ride, he takes care of the children, he puts them to bed, he lets me sleep in. He's my SAG support and my kids are my cheering squad. I love 'em all to bits! :D