Saturday, December 6

Day Six ... one and a bonus!! :D

Today Jack got to get in on the fun! :D  (and it is really fun!  If you haven't tried it yet you really should...!  Just a simple act can really brighten someone's day but you'll be amazed at the effect it has on yours!! :D)  He's been going to Earl May's Garden Center for the past 6 months, once a month, to attend a little class put on by a lovely lady.  They do seasonal things, for Halloween they decorated pumpkins by planting flowers in them, for Christmas they made a lovely table decoration and so on.  This was the last class so Jack took along a gift for the teacher.  It was basically the same at the one he gave his bus driver, an Eco Coffee Mug, bar of chocolate, packet of Milano cookies, some ground coffee, a hot chocolate mix and an apple cider mix all bagged up with a label on it.  He couldn't wait to give it to her!

Jack all ready to go in!! :D 

I was hiding to catch a quick pick!  She was very happy!

So after dropping off Jack to his class hubby and I headed out for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop.
I had a delicious pumpkin spice latte which is not usually my thing but BOY did that put a smile on my face and a song in my heart!  I was PINGING by the time I was done with it!!  As we were waiting for our order I pointed a lady out to hubby.  She was further down the line, just ordering, but she was wearing a Union Jack T Shirt under a flannel shirt AND a T.A.R.D.I.S knitted hat!!!

I knew what I had to do! :D  I paid for her order!  I asked the lady who had helped me to figure out what she was ordering and let me pay for it without her knowing it was me!  The barista was SO excited to help!  She got a big grin on her face and couldn't wait. :D  I went to sit down so I wasn't close by when she got her food but I went up a few moments later to pick up my coffee and another lady was exclaiming in surprise!  Seems my Dr. Who lady had paid it forward! :D  I LOVE when that happens!!  I got the joy of starting it out, the lady in the hat got the joy of receiving it AND the joy of spreading it along and then the other lady got the joy of receiving that!!  And whilst she didn't pay it forward right away, who's to say that she won't pay it forward in some other way later on... large or small these little things add up.  Maybe she'll be in a good mood and let someone ahead of her in traffic?  Maybe she'll call a friend for a chat, who knows.  It just takes ONE little push to start a ball rolling.

So  the day went on pretty much as usual after that... hubby and I did our weekly shopping and errand running whilst Jess watched the smaller kiddies.  We went out for lunch and then came home.  I talked to the children about my thoughts regarding scaling back on Christmas.  We've been cutting it down and cutting it down each year and it's getting to a point where it feels very manageable.  The kids were quite happy with our suggestions and we decided to try it a different way this time.  They set to work writing a list of four things they would like.  Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read.

Jack got to work right away!

LOL!!  Jessie trying to think what she would like!

And so after a nice dinner, some games of chess for Dad and Jess, some games of throw around pom poms and pretend they are hot cookies and throw around cotton balls and pretend they are snowballs for Millie and I it was time for the children to go to bed.  And now here I stand.  I've done a little ( teensy teensy) bit of  Yoga, I'm trying to get back in to my twice daily habit... right now it's down to .... streeeeetch as I reach for something in the pantry!  I HAVE mastered the headstand without the wall though and I find that supremely fun!! :D  I'm hoping to get a little meditation in before bed but until then it's me and kitty and my blog!!

Raindrop!  LOVES to help type! :D

Lovely to chat, talk to you tomorrow! G'night!

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