Saturday, February 2

Just a quickie!

Today started off kind tricksy....  Millie slept NOT A LOT last night... she's probably getting teeth and was up and down like a tart's knickers....  !!  I got to the point where I was DREAMING I was feeding her and couldn't tell if I was sitting in the chair or laying in my bed.... ugh...!  Anyway, a cup of caffeinated tea and a dark choc or two later and I was good to go.  Jessie went to a sleep over at her friend's house today and I spent the majority of my time on the couch.  Millie made up for not sleeping last night by sleeping most of the day away in my arms ( never a bad thing....! ) I managed to get a little of my crocheting done, face timed with my mum for ages, and managed to get some of my book read.  I'd borrowed the book "Let's pretend this never happened" by the Bloggess from the library, but everyone else got to read it before me!!  Finally I got my hands on it and it's just as funny as I thought it would be!!! ;D  Hysterical in fact.  I wish I could write half as well as she does, but then of course I'd have to have had the crazy experiences she had, and, well, I just haven't yet!! ;D  So anyway, if you haven't read the book, DO, it's awesome!!!  ( just don't try and read it in bed next to your sleeping husband... your stifled laughter is sure to wake him and he'll be cranky about it...  oh he will... you know he will.....)

So, yeah, reading, crocheting, laughing, playing with baby... not a bad day eh?  Top that with 45 degree temps, a quick walk in the fresh, sunshiney air, beating a friend at Words with Friends ( YES!!!  .. I'm quite terrible at WWF! ) and having take out Chipotle for tea... well... it's a day that would be hard to beat!

Now Jessie is off sleeping over, Jackster is fast asleep as is Millie....  I'm off for a quick drink of something yummy... Here's a little clip of Millie ... she may be crazy....!!


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