Sunday, February 3

Organization Station! :D

Wow....!!  What an awesome day today!!  Slept like a freaking ROCK last night... may have had something to do with the Corona I drank before bed and also may have had something to do with Millie getting so much sleep throughout the day yesterday... I think she had been overtired.  She got a fair amount of sleep today too so I'm hoping she sleeps well tonight also!

Hubby went out to the sports show this morning leaving me, Jack and Millie.  Millie and I got a bit of organizing in the kitchen taken care of.... I cleared out two drawers and my cupboards containing all my baking pans and so on.  I have two bags of stuff to donate from there!  Jack and I made some Black Bean Brownies but I didn't have eggs so I used apple sauce.  I baked them and they smelled great... came out rather not cooked.  I stuck it in the fridge to see if it would harden up a bit... but... nope.  Then I reread the recipe. I'm thinking if a recipe DOES NOT CONTAIN FLOUR... then you shouldn't be skipping the eggs!!! LOL!!  Oops. So Jack had black bean chocolate pudding!!!  He enjoyed it !!  (he'll be regular!!!)

Once hubby came home he came upstairs with me and the baby and entertained her whilst I went through my closet and tried on every single thing I own that was in there!!!  Anything that did not look GREAT got thrown into a huge pile!  I now have a lot less stuff, but everything I do have looks awesome on me!!  ( Or at least, looks better than the other stuff!!!)   I've been going through my dresser drawers too.... tomorrow I'll be going through all the sheets and towels, Christmas and craft stuff....  I just love not to have tons of stuff around me!!!  It's so FREEING to get rid of things...!! I'll be taking a few trips to the Goodwill store I think!! ;D  I'm also trying to make sure the house it nice and organized for when the lovely April and her family arrive to housesit for me next month!!  I want it to be that she can quickly and easily find anything she needs!

Anyway, the kitchen needs a quick clean then it's time to get some crochet done I hope!! :D  I fell asleep at 10:30 last night I was so tired... hopefully I can stay up a LITTLE later tonight! ;D

Night Peeps! :D

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