Monday, February 18

I am a blank slate.

Every time I sit down at the computer at night my mind goes totally blank!  If I'm honest my mind goes blank several times during the day but at night, it's at it's worst!  I can never remember what we did all day, even though I know I've thought to myself several times "I should write about this on my blog..!"  ...  ah well.. suffice it to say a day was had... !  I remember it started well... with a cup of tea from Jessie!  I came downstairs to find she had once again emptied the dishwasher and tidied up the place.  Man, I am so lucky to have that kid!  She's a treasure!

After breakfast we cranked up Pandora's Pop radio station and the kids and I danced our behinds off.  The music always reminds me of when I used to go the gym so we started doing crazy exercises and running laps around the house!  It was fun!  For some reason the day was really hard to get going in after that.  It was a bleary old, grey day with the threat of snow in it.  Once in a while we did get a snowfall here and there but not enough to settle.  I spent some time on line trying to find an old game that Jessie and I used to play, an algebra game.  I finally put a request on Facebook and a friend of mine found it in minutes!  Awesome!  I was so pleased.  It's a really neat game and helped Jessie a lot when she was smaller.   I thought maybe Jack might be able to have a go....

I did get my bed stripped and washed but could not get really moving at all.  Millie had a good nap, Jessie and I watched another documentary on cruise ships and played some more Words With Friends.  Jack helped me make lunch... he's always trying to help in the kitchen and time after time I put him off because it's "just quicker" if I make it myself.  ( yeah yeah, some homeschooling Mama, right?)  Well the other day I asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up... he said a cook!  Hmm.  Well then I guess he  needs to spend MORE time in the kitchen, not less!  So he helped with lunch.  He went a little bonkers with the pickles in my opinion, but there ya go.  He likes 'em a lot.  I also put a bunch of veggies and a ham shank in the slow cooker for dinner with some beans I'd soaked over night.  ( wow, that always turns out SO well and it is so cheap to make! )

Jack and his lunch.... he'd already eaten all the blueberries and about 20 pickles...!!
A friend phoned a we chatted for a while and I told her I could not get motivated. She sympathized and said she has felt the same way recently.  We decided it was probably the Government doing some secret testing and both felt a lot better about it.  About 4ish I saw the bottle of Vitamin D on the counter.  I took two along with three Hershey Dark Chocolate miniatures.  4:30 and I was tearing around the house cleaning it up.  I even cleaned a week's worth of ashes out of the fire, vacuumed the living and dining rooms, cleaned the downstairs bathroom and the kitchen floor, sorted the recycling, emptied the trash cans, loaded the dishwasher, cleaned off the dining table, tidied the couch cushions and baked cornbread!  When hubby arrived home at 6 the place was spotless and dinner was ready to eat!!  I'm going to take the vitamins a bit earlier tomorrow!!!

After dinner I put Millie to bed then had a shower and laid my clothes out for morning.  I've been neglecting to shower before bed or lay out my clothes lately and it really REALLY affected the start of my day.  I'm glad that I made myself do it tonight!

In other news, I found my wedding ring and eternity ring today... I hadn't lost it, but it had been in the safe as my fingers had swollen up with Millie and I wasn't able to wear it.  Apparently Rex had brought it upstairs and left it on the pie safe.  I found it and put it on!  Yeahy!  Finally I can get my ring back on.  It's not EASY to get on and it's almost DIFFICULT to get it off, but hey, it's on and that's what counts! I actually find it a little ostentatious now having grown used to the simple gold band we bought to replace it.   Millie was intrigued by it tonight, that's for sure!

Well there ya have it.  Today, such as it was.  They may not be exciting days but there is always a lot of happiness in them.  We enjoy being together, the kids and I.  I think that says it all.

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