Thursday, January 17

Thursday... Flipping good fun! :D

WOW it was FOGGY out this morning!!  I could barely see the house across the street... and of COURSE hubby had to go to Omaha at 6:30 am.....   yikes... I was a wreck until I knew he'd got there ok....  At 9:30 I had to pack the kids up and go out myself.... it was still horribly foggy so I drove as carefully as possible too.  We went to the homeschool co-op's registration day where we said hello to some old friends and met Mary and Charlotte who was also signing up for drama.  ( yes, the fact that I am PAYING MONEY for a drama class when I already HAVE a thirteen year old girl has NOT eluded me!! :D LOL!!  )  Anyhoo... after registration we made our way back home and Mary and Charlotte came too!  We got to drink tea and chat whilst the kids went bananas!!  There is always a lot of screaming and running around when Charlotte comes to play!!!  :D Whilst Mary looked after Millie for me I put a roast and veggies into the slow cooker for dinner.  I LOVE slow cookers....!!  They make life sooo much easier!! :D   This morning I had done all my Flylady stuff and after Mary left I did my mission which today was to inventory the things most used in the bathroom.  I made a list of everything we used regularly but we weren't out of anything so there was nothing else I needed to do.

I've been looking at some great blogs lately to help teach reading to kids.  Jack can read ( a lot more than he lets on I think....) but his reading level is not as high as we would like, so I had a scan over this blog this afternoon and decided to play a game with him....  The blog is called and it's excellent.  ( I may have previously mentioned it...!) The game we played was Flip the Eggs!  I made some "eggs" with paper and a yellow sharpie marker.  I wrote some words I'd like him to read on the eggs, got him some props and away we went...

He had a heap of fun!! :D   The neat thing about Jack is he really gets into games and playing with me so he will want MORE and MORE and MORE....!!  I like to end with him wanting more so always quit before he's had enough, that way he's super keen to play again another day!!  We also did some math using our Math U See manipulatives and some number cards.  He had to read the number on the card then "build" the number using the blocks.  After he'd done that a few times he then got to do some addition by building both numbers and adding the blocks.  Again he wanted more and more but I made him stop!! ;D  Jessie and I made up another game using the Periodic Table and scrabble tiles... we actually had quite a lot of fun playing it, naturally Jack wanted to play that too... and so he did!!  At one point today Millie was sleeping, Jessie was doing Math on Kahn Academy's website and Jack was playing a physics game on my iPad !!  I didn't say a WORD incase I ruined it!!!

Anyway, again all is quiet now... showers have been taken, kids are sleeping ( actually I think Jessie is in her room working on writing another book...) and I should go and sit with hubby for a while.  Catch you on the Flip side!!!!  ( get it?  Flip??  Eggs?!?!? LOL!!!)

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