Monday, November 24

Teething troubles....

Wimper..... I had some fillings done last month.... and when I got home they still hurt... and continued to do so for some time afterward... in fact for some DAYS afterward. I tried antibiotics, but that didn't work. I tried strong drink, but that didn't work either. I tried ignoring it .... yeah. Right. Anyway, here I am, one month later. They hurt. They hurt BAD. :( But it's ok... they only hurt when I eat something Hot....or Cold... or room temperature..... or sweet. Or when I drink something hot..... or cold.... or room temperature... or sweet. * Sob.* I'm losing weight AND the will to live. Tomorrow I'm going back to the dentist, much as I hate to, and by tomorrow night all this will be behind me and I can face Thanksgiving with joy and pumpkin pie will no longer fill me with dread!!!! :D


Anonymous said...

Ooh, good luck with that! Not fun at all. However, I can attest to the fact that rubbing whiskey on your gums can work...for a few minutes. On with the pumpkin pie, I say!

S said...

Oh my, no fun at all. I hope that all went well and relief is on its way. .

Risa said...

Did the trip to the dentist help? Any idea the cause?

Gorgeous. said...

mmmmm... whiskey on the gums.... oooooohhh!!! ;D

Sheri and Risa... I think my relief will be found at Super Target with the antibiotics ( please please please!!! )

LOL!! : D