Tuesday, January 3

Ahem. Happy New Year .... again.....!! :D LOL!!

It's not been QUITE a year since my last post!!!! LOL!!! Nearly, but not quite!! Funnily enough I was reading back through my old posts and they sound very familiar.....!!! Once again I find myself drawn to a more Waldorf~ish way of living. I just LOVE reading soulemama's blog and I am inspired and drawn to her lovely and peaceful ways of living and parenting. I have recently taken up knitting again and have a gift certificate for a lovely wool shop in town. The only thing to do now is to pick a project.... not that that is hard to do or anything...... sigh....!!

Christmas was wonderful.... Mum was here to share it with us and our friend Jay came over too. New Years saw the Bayer / Hrdlicka gang here with all 5 kiddies! Lots of fun and merriment. They left this morning and the house seems very quiet now!! We've had a full and fun 2011, lots of changes took place but the underlying stuff all stayed the same, happily.

I have had some thoughts about 2012, I really want this year's theme to be "Meaningful". I want our days together to have some sort of depth. I love the thought of winter days sitting in the warm, knitting, reading together. I want us to explore the outdoors with chilly cheeks and returning home to a house that's peaceful and comfortable. We have just taken the 15 minutes outside challenge from this lovely blog and the kids are thrilled with the idea! To be honest they spend at least 15 minutes outside everyday, but this way I have to join in!! ;D I will no doubt have Pinterest posts to share since that has become one of my new passions. Our family may explore the pros and cons of whether or not to get a new dog after sadly losing our beloved Brecon this fall. There will probably be some homeschooling posts and some dietary posts as I am leaning towards a low carb approach this year. Perhaps some adventures will be in our future too.... I'll keep you posted.

It's good to be back!!

1 comment:

April said...

uh huh... love to read your updates. Love even more to be a part of them instead of reading them lol. But definitely am glad that you have decided to take it up again.