Thursday, March 25

Rex's Birthday!! yeahy!! ;D

What a sweet birthday we had today! :D The children woke us up at O Dark 30 this morning with a rustling of packages and a Happy Birthday song!! ;D They couldn't wait to give Daddy his gifts and, as usual, bickered over whose present Daddy should open first!! The children had each picked out fun T shirts for him.... Jessie's was a bright blue "Team Mario" T shirt so they can wear Mario shirts when they play Wii !! Jack had picked out a brown T shirt with Hersheys printed across it "because Daddy likes cwokwick" !! He also got Daddy a large Hershey bar to match his shirt! ;D Daddy opened his cards and presents and then the kiddoes made him some coffee and toast. We got up and got moving and Daddy suggested we go to a restaurant in town for some breakfast. We had faaar tooo much cake, brownies and lemon scones! It was delicious! After breakfast we went to Greenwood to visit some friends at their store...we chatted with them and checked out their warehouse! We drove around for a while just enjoying the peace and the lovely weather then came home and worked on Spring Cleaning the garage and the house ready for The Big Party on Saturday! :D

We were just getting ready for our date night out when the phone rang... it was the babysitter's mother....uh oh.... the babysitter was sick... could we reschedule ????? Uuuuuhhhhh!!! After a few minutes of being really disappointed we realised we could still have a nice birthday so we tossed around a few ideas and landed on going to Applebees for dinner. It's cheap, cheery and the kids love it. We ate some yummy food and the kids were about asleep at the table. Jack fell fast asleep in the car and when we got home we just carried him straight to his bed! Poor little fella! :D We'd chosen to not get dessert at the restaurant and opted to stop at the next door grocery store to pick up ice cream on the way home, but now we are home, we are too full to even think about eating it!! I'll bet it will still be good tomorrow!! ;D

1 comment:

Missusgarry said...

What a lovely, lovely day that sounded.... Rex will remember his birthday for ages :) Wish I was nearer.... I'd have babysat!!!! :) xx