Wednesday, March 24

Just a quickie tonight, I'm exhausted! ;D

We had a lovely day today... the children and I went to the mall to get a couple of things for Rex's birthday tomorrow. This is the first year we have been really short of cash in a long long time and it was nice to not go crazy with big purchases, rather to just get one or two little things that he will like. I did splurge on something for him, felt guilty about it and returned it about 10 minutes later! ;D

Jack had been a real weirdo at home in the morning before we left and I was dreading taking him out in public!! Sometimes he will argue ANYTHING with you!! He will tell you the sky is green if it suits him! ;D Now I don't care what color he thinks the sky is but if I say he needs to hold my hand or walk by me in the mall.... that sort of thing is not negotiable, so I'm less than keen to take him when he is in a contrary mood! Funnily enough, once we got OUT the house, he was a sweetie and he sat in the back of the van with Jessie singing his HEAD off to Carly Simon!! And heaven forbid I should try and put any other kind of music on... oh no.... Carly is the only way my friend!! He sings at the top of his lungs and knows ALL the words!! It's so cute!!! I'll video it one of these times...!!

Anyhoo, thanks to Carly Jack was in a great mood and the mall trip went well. We Taco Bell'd lunch ( cheap cheap again! ) and bought some ingredients for tomorrow's birthday cake! Once home the kiddoes weren't all that hungry due to their very late lunch so Jack had an apple and watch Thomas with Daddy whilst I went downstairs and about killed myself on my bike!! Lisa, of the bike, sent me a link where you ride for 30 seconds at full tilt and then ease off for 20 seconds, rinse and repeat for 20 minutes. I. About. Died. Still, it IS a damn good workout and I can see myself punishing myself again tomorrow!!

After my ride it was time to put the kiddoes in bed. I conned them upstairs by reminding them they had to wrap their presents and write their cards so there was much whispering and hustling around the house with wrapping paper, scissors and tape!!! Bless their hearts! They LOVE to surprise Daddy on his birthday!! ;D Jack wrote Happy Birthday all by himself in his card but made me write the rest as it was a pretty slow process! ;D Poor kid!! ;D

Anyway, now they are sleeping, I'm ready to sit on my beehind and rest before bed. I suppose I could have one more chocolate? After all, cake tomorrow...!! ;D

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