Monday, January 11

Examiner article for today!

Amid all the chaos I DID get an article written for the Examiner today. If you are on Facebook you may have already seen it, but if not check it out here. Have a look at the slideshow too... there are some sweet pics of the kids! I'm not sure if I've mentioned the Examiner articles but I get paid something like 3c everytime someone reads it... I'm not going to get rich but it's fun to do and hey, at least I can say I get paid to write !!! LOL!!!

I am trying to write a blog post OR an Examiner article everyday this year.... we'll see how it goes but I'm enjoying it so far! ;D

Let me know how you liked the article, I love reading people's comments and knowing that SOMEONE is reading them! :D


1 comment:

Missusgarry said...

I read it... very 'readable' as usual.... well done! Love the pics... LOVE 'em!!! :)