Wednesday, February 10

A beautiful morning, a comedy of errors and my lunch..!

We woke up this morning to a bright blue sky. I'm always tempted to run out into a blue sky day but thought to check the temps first.... um.....-4f. Chiiiiilly! I stayed in and instead took a pic through the window.....

Can you see the ice shining on the trees?? ***happy sigh***

This was about as peaceful as our day got..!! After that....

The daft dog decided that she should go walk about in this weather so if you'd looked out your window and you lived on my street you would have seen me in my pajamas, snow boots, columbia coat and gloves chasing the mutt back home. Happily there was no wind at all so, though so cold that the snow squealed and squeaked like styrofoam I was not chilled to the bone. Still, I would have preferred to stay in the warm house!!

The cat threw up on the floor....

The toilet overflowed all over the bathroom carpet....

The dog peed on the bed.....

Work stuff that you wouldn't believe if I told you came up....

Hubby had to drive to Iowa to collect a stolen trailer that ended up not so much being stolen and not so much being driveable....

Jessie and Jack have friends here for a sleepover and we thought doing some crafts would be fun.... so did Jack..... he thought it would be fun to decorate for Valentine's day by sprinkling glitter all over the chairs!! ;D Pretty!!!

Anyway, the day had it's good points, and looking back it was more good than bad... there was just a lot of headshaking and eye rolling going on today!! ;D

Jessie made scrambled eggs with cheese for breakfast for her and Jack.... Yeahy!!!

I made myself a delicious lunch...... oh yum yum yum....

I got two work outs in today ... the one this evening had Jessie and Charlotte helping me! I always thought I preferred to work out alone, but it's actually fun with more than one... it goes a lot quicker! ;D

Anyway, the kitchen needs cleaning again, Rex has a movie to watch and I want to knit at least one more row tonight before I fall prey to complete and utter exhaustion! ;D

Night folks! ;D

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