Monday, February 16

I'd like to thank The Academy.......

I have my first ever blog award... !! And TWO people gave it to me at once!!! What do you think of THAT!!?!? Must be like buses!! Nothing for ages then two come along at once!! :D

I'm very grateful to Stephanie and Alicia for nominating me.

I'd like to also thank my husband for his undying love and devotion, and my two dear children for their craziness which gives me reason to write in the mornings!

I believe there are rules to this blog award, but you know me, not much of a rule follower. I'm a skimmer. I read instructions by scanning for key words thus I know I have to name some things that make me happy and then nominate others for the award.

The "nominating others" reeks of chain letterdom and spam to me, but that might sound ungrateful. I will say that I read all the blogs in my side bar and some more I've yet to add. They all make me very happy and make me feel less alone in the world!

Other things that make me happy are:
*Hearing Jack laugh in a HAPPY way ( not in a "I'm tormenting the cat and I LIKE it" kind of way )
*Drinking Ice Wine with my hubby and getting giggly after one glass.... but still drinking two more anyway!!
*Being with Jessie
*Watching the sun make the snow sparkle like diamonds ( I LOVE diamonds!)
*Drinking cups of hot tea whilst sitting on a sunny step.
*Swimming in a blue ocean
*Spending all day with good friends
*Walking with my dogs
*A good morning run
*laughing uncontrollably ....... I could go on and on....

Turns out lots of things make me happy!!

Who knew!?!? :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love laughing uncontrollably! :) it's fun!

laugh and the world laughs with you....laugh hysterically ..and for no apparent reason..and they'll leave you alone :)

best quote ever