Thursday, April 4

Jour Une !! :D Et c'est une LONG une !!! :D LOL!!

Oh you guys!!!  I thought, I know, I'll just make a quick little post about our first day of traveling.  Just the one day, no biggie....  Ahem.  It's taken my 25 minutes thus far SIMPLY TO CHOOSE THE PHOTOS!!!  OF THE FIRST DAY!!!  That's just GETTING THERE people!! :D

I'll press on, eh!? :D

So, here we are at Lincoln airport... this photo was taken by Jack on his "brand new, makes cool sounds, bought specially for the trip" camera, which, as you know if you have any sense of foreboding, broke on the day we arrived.  :(  Le boo.

 And here's the cameraman with said swanky new, now busted camera! :D

 Our petite plane to take us to Minnesota...!!

 And here we are... off on Millie's first flight!!  Jess, the seasoned traveller, had to sit next to a stranger, who, if you know Jess you know, was not a stranger after a moment or two of chatting!

Millie was wonderful on the flight.... I was worried only about her ears popping so took along a bag of organic lollipops for her to suck on as we ascended.  She was quite happy and promptly fell asleep no sooner were we airborne!

THIS is Minneapolis International Airport!  HOLY SCHMOLEY!!   Can you see all those little rectangles???  ALL iPads!!  You sit at your little table and can order food and what not right from the iPad!  Your dish will arrive within about 10 minutes!!  How swanky is that?!?!   We had a while to wait so Jess and I toured the shops... and there were TONS of shops!  It was an amazing airport!!!

iPads iPads everywhere.....

And then finally it was on to our BIG flight.  This time we sat two in front, Rex and Jack with an empty seat between them and Jess, Millie and I behind them.  There was tons of leg room, in fact, there was tons of ROOM... on the ENTIRE FLIGHT there were only 77 people!!!!  In fact they had had to move us earlier to distribute the weight evenly over the plane!!  As we got flying Jess was able to take over a couple of seats and lay down to sleep.  

Jess ready to go!
Jack, safety first!

 The flight was so comfortable and relatively event free apart from Jack.  And Jack's lunch. Which made a repeat showing.  In the tiny bathroom.  Up the walls.  And the door.  In the hinges, on the floor....Yah.  I donned some British Grit and cleaned it all up spotless.  The steward was all over me with appreciation... "apparently most people would just leave it there...!"How could someone DO that ?!  Anyway, other than that... I would definitely fly Delta again, they were great.  Now, the landing into Heathrow.... not so great.  It was a bit BUMPY to say the least and I always find landing rather wracking on the nerves.  This one was pretty bouncy and I heard the steward behind me say "Yup, one wheel at a time....!!"  eeep.

So... we landed at Heathrow where my Mum was there to greet us!!  Next stop ... The underground to St. Pancras where we would pick up the Eurostar and take the Chunnel to Paris ... but.... there was a problem.....

***to be continued tomorrow!!   Sorry folks!  Millie needs to go to bed!!***

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