Sunday, June 15

Happy Father's Day

Being a Father has got to be a pretty thankless job sometimes. The Father in our house gets to go out to work every day, comes home to a crazy, noisy, messy house where there is often no dinner to speak of. It's crazy, messy and noisy until the kids go to bed when we are all too tired to even THINK of picking up.... then the whole thing starts again in the morning!!

My hubby is wonderful with the children. He is so patient and kind. He's very thoughtful and considerate towards them and knows how to treat them to things without spoiling them senseless. He is wise and tolerant and playful.

My Dad is also a great Dad too. When I was little he was always lots of fun. He always made me laugh and we have always been able to enjoy each other's company without effort. We share common interests and enjoy walking, being outdoors, reading interesting books, and, oddly perhaps, stationery stores!! Pens and paper hold a fascination for both of us!! ;D My husband always knows when I am on the phone with Dad as I am usually laughing! I have nothing but fond memories of my childhood with my Dad and when I look back at pictures from our more recent visits, it is with great happiness. Love you, Dad.

Here's a little photo montage of the great Dads in my life!!

A Great Dad knows when to be goofy !.....

Knows when a gentle word works wonders.......
Looks to the future.............
Is firm..... but soft hearted........
Knows how to make a girl feel special........
And knows how to make her laugh.......
A good father is a great Grandfather...... he knows how to play with the kids.......

He's always there for you..... even when sometimes "there" is very far away.

He knows how to make everyone happy...........

To my Hubby and my Dad and all the other really great Dads out there... this is your day.
Enjoy it! ;D

1 comment:

Niecey said...

This is so precious and touching. I love the photos.